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So, as I was reading my fellow author’s holiday traditions it struck me that my family really doesn’t have any of their own. Well, every year we get together for a meal that’s big enough to feed an army, get drunk and fight but that’s about it. Okay, we don’t always fight ;)
A lot of people start their Christmas festivities right after Thanksgiving. Well, in Canada our Thanksgiving is in October so that would be a little early to haul out the tree. Especially for someone who rarely puts her tree up much before December 21st. What? I’m a Christmas procrastinator. I shop on the 21st, I sometimes decorate on the 21st and Christmas Eve is a flurry of wrapping paper and scotch tape as I try and remember which gifts I bought for which kid. I like to think I work better under pressure. And let’s face it, at the end of the night Santa likes a nice glass of wine to go with the cookies rather than the milk that’s been sitting out for hours.
Not everything in my house is left until the last minute. Thanks to my mother I inherited a holiday baking obsession. Maybe it’s more of an addiction. Much to the horror of my waistline, the entire month of December is dedicated to Christmas baking. My kitchen seriously looks like a bakery exploded in it. Shortbread, gingerbread, turtles (homemade not the box kind), chocolate peanut butter squares, truffles, tarts, fudge, an assortment of cookies, rum balls, chocolate covered cherries, fruit cake, cheese straws…are you in a sugar coma yet? Obviously, Christmas baking is my thing.
But after I had kids, I found that I wanted to do something that was just ours. Something they could look forward to each year and remember doing forever. Yes, they love the baking as much as I do and the squeals that follow when I pull out my big yellow mixing bowl are almost deafening. They know that bowl means business. But I wanted something that had more to do with one special day than an entire month.
So the day I pull out the tree and all the Christmas decorations is the day our tradition begins. There’s no set date, it’s random and spontaneous and that makes it all the more fun. The kids make cards for Grandma and Nana in the morning, and after that they each make them some kind of homemade gift. We make sugar cookies in the afternoon, complete with icing ending up not only all over the table but on the floor and somehow on the walls as well. And later that evening we set up the tree, shut off all the lights when we’re through, and watch Rudolph with just the tree lights on. It’s nothing fancy or over the top, but the boys know it’s our day.
I also have to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol every Christmas Eve. It’s just not Christmas without the Muppets.
What are your holiday traditions? Leave a comment along with your contact info (email, twitter, Facebook) and be entered to win one of TWO eBooks of Last Call that I’m giving away. Winners will be chosen through random.org (If you would rather not have your contact info posted publicly, feel free to email me at the address provided in Contact)
Happy Holidays!